Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Glee is a flawless show

I just.. wow ok I loved this episode (episodes cause there was two). Wow I was crying and one of the songs they sang said Peter Pan and I freaked out! My dad kept cheering for Tina and at some point he started crying cause he was so proud of her. I'm going to miss these Glee kids so much! Wow ok Glee is my life.

I ship Finchel and Faberry and all my other otps in that show because I ship everybody omg. Finchel shippers and Faberry shipper sometimes hate each other though. Why can't we just all be friends!

I wish we could all get along like we did in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and we could all eat and be happy.

Sorry I'm drunk off of my love for Glee and it's making me say crazy things.

Wow there must be a lot of typos in this cause I really don't feel like proof reading it. Lol jk I never proof read any of my posts. I never even backspace anything cause I feel like I'm being untruthful to you if I do.

What did this post start out about? Oh right, Glee. Great show. Everybody should go watch it. Damian is in that show. He's a cutie. That should be reason enough for you to watch.

I'll give you a cookie if you do.
I'm leaving now. G'day mate!

Lots of love

1 comment:

  1. That movie is flawless. *sigh*
    And Glee is too! I ship Finchel so freaking hard.
