Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Ok, tons of people play MASH. I, up until this year, haven't played it in a while. This year though, my friends and I play it everyday! We get fancy with the categories. We have the basic: boys, friends, kids, income, cars, but we also added our own. For example, we added, boob size, noodle shape, and pattern.

We also get creative with what we put as our answer. For most of them though, we put this substitute that we had in Yearbook last year named, Mrs. Crooks. She was really mean and went on about what her name meant for an hour! (Her name means killing lambs or something.)

Anyway, it's really fun and I love it! This guy in my History class always asks me to do his MASH. Which is kinda awkward, but not that much so. Here is the MASH that I did today, and one that I found in my planner

Today:  Job- Author, Boy- Damian McGinty, Car- Lime-o (inside joke), Location- San Francisco, Kids- 1, Income- oddly placed Burger King, Noodle shape- Angel Butt, Friend- Poop (my friend is immature), Pattern- Poop (very immature), Boob Size- Z.

The One In My Planner: Boy- Damian McGinty, Friend- Kristine, Job- Lover Of Niall Horan, Kids- 50, Car-Purple Jeep, Location- Niall's House, Income- $64 million, Pets- Zebra.

Basically, I get $64 million to be the lover of Niall Horan. I'm pretty ok with that. And I live at his house with my husband Damian. Awesome. Just, awesome.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My car ride home

Wow I'm so bored right now this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe. Wow why does that song sneak up on my life. I'm going to type this for like the next 20 minutes yes good plan.

 I never used to cry. Now, I pretty much  say that I cried during something on every post!

  A car just drove by and it had Mickey mouse ears in the back of it which is funny cause I'm on my way home   from disneyland and we're like 5 hours away from it.  At Disneyland my aunt and I went on autotopia and I drove the car. Every time we had to stop, my aunt would scream cause she thought I was gonna hit the car in front of us. Then, we started singing grease songs really loudly and wow I manage to be annoying everywhere I go hmm.

 From reading my posts, you must think I'm a terrible writer cause run on sentences are everywhere and my grammar is so bad that if my English teacher saw it, she'd cry. But let me assure you, I'm actually a pretty good writer. I give myself a 7 out of 10. Wow that's a C.... Maybe.... Hmm.

  I hate traffic.

  I have a list of favorite words. Here is goes:

  •   Legit  
  • Casually 
  • Sexy 
  • Cheeky 
  • Nincompoop 
  • Nitwit 
  •  Inkling 
  • Lovely 
 Thats about it....

 I was watching When Animals Attack and it was like "no one is safe.... Not even Santa Claus. " I die of laughing every time. My laugh starts out quiet and deep, but then, it slowly gets louder and higher until its the most obnoxious sound in the world.  I was laughing on the teacup ride and everybody was looking at me. My aunt and brother kept spinning the teacup and so I laughed harder

.  This lady and I had a very nice convocation about loud parents.  This other lady got mad at me cause she thought that my two year old cousin was my daughter and this random guy standing next to us was the father. Then, my 4 year old cousin walked over to us and asked if I could hold him and that lady flipped out. It's like, I didn't have kids when I was 9!!! Wow people are so stupid.  Then, this man was staring at me and my cousin and I'm like " wow you are a man" and it was really creepy cause he was following us around.  

Then I gave my cousin my phone and she found a picture of Louis, pointed at it, and said "Pretty!!!"

 Kora and Reef (my two cousins) are really like my best friends wow they are cool. Reef watches Glee. Kora likes One Direction.  They are cool.\

Lots of love

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Dog Ate My Mom

Ok so in Yearbook, Ann and I decided that it would be fun to write really weird stories. Here is mine:

Have you ever wanted ice cream so much that you were willing to kill for it? Yeah, me neither...

It all started that day I was born. My mom gave birth to me in a bucket. She said that it would be a faster clean up that way, but I think something inside of me changed that day.

I never knew my father. He was always playing with yoyos and wouldn't have much time for me anyway, at least that's what I was told.

My sister always has friends over, so I don't talk to her that much. Her friends are weird. Every time they come over, they have rubber chickens duct tapped to their elbows. They say it's because, if they don't, they'll turn into nincompoops.

So, you've read a full page of my story, and you still don't know if I'm a boy or a girl. People jump to conclusions a lot. In your mind, what gender am I?

Boy or Girl

You're wrong. Whatever you chose, it's wrong. Or maybe you're right. Who am I to tell you if you're right or wrong?

So, the story. I went to the fair with my second best friend twice removed. We used to be best friends, but in the 2nd grade, he took my animal cracker and threw it down the slide. Since then, things have been different between us.

We decided that it would be fun to ride the teacups. We got on the ride and started it up. The teacups spun faster and faster until my second best friend twice removed threw up on my new Avengers shirt. I was so mad that I grabbed a bumble bee that was flying threw the air, and shoved it into his mouth. He died 64 half minutes later.

I didn't know he was allergic to my hand...

The End!

What do you think of it?

Lots of love

Friday, May 18, 2012


I'm shaking so much right now cause my dad made me go on Splash Mountain and omg I got so scared. I haven't been able to talk for two hours cause I'm so scared. Wow. I suck.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Glee is a flawless show

I just.. wow ok I loved this episode (episodes cause there was two). Wow I was crying and one of the songs they sang said Peter Pan and I freaked out! My dad kept cheering for Tina and at some point he started crying cause he was so proud of her. I'm going to miss these Glee kids so much! Wow ok Glee is my life.

I ship Finchel and Faberry and all my other otps in that show because I ship everybody omg. Finchel shippers and Faberry shipper sometimes hate each other though. Why can't we just all be friends!

I wish we could all get along like we did in middle school. I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and we could all eat and be happy.

Sorry I'm drunk off of my love for Glee and it's making me say crazy things.

Wow there must be a lot of typos in this cause I really don't feel like proof reading it. Lol jk I never proof read any of my posts. I never even backspace anything cause I feel like I'm being untruthful to you if I do.

What did this post start out about? Oh right, Glee. Great show. Everybody should go watch it. Damian is in that show. He's a cutie. That should be reason enough for you to watch.

I'll give you a cookie if you do.
I'm leaving now. G'day mate!

Lots of love

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My life.

Wow I feel like I should have an exciting story for you or something, but I don't. Wow my life is interesting. Umm hmm. One Direction is a perfect band. I really really want to meet them! Uh... hmm... oh!

There are these two guys that I'm friends with that act just like Harry and Louis do! One has Harry hair and the other has Louis hair! It's pretty funny how much they love each other. The one with Harry hair will quote Harry if we ask him to and sometimes he does the Harry Styles hair fix/flip thing. The other thinks we're weird but he smiles secretly at us when we ask him to quote Louis. So I think he finds it amusing.

Lots of love

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Hi! So, I'm going to Disneyland next week and I am so excited! I love Disneyland! If I see Peter Pan, I'll cry. He was my first crush. I still love him so much. Sigh.

My family won the tickets through a radio contest actually! Pretty cool. We are going for 5 days. I love Disneyland. It's partly because I have the brain of a two year old. Partly because Disneyland is amazing.

I also get to see my little cousins! I love them. We're all best friends. It's great. I'm best friends with a two year old and a 4 year old. I'm cool. But no they are amazing and me and the 4 year old quote Forest Gump together.

Lots of love

Monday, May 7, 2012

Haley and Somewhere Only We Know appreciation post.

Haley and the song Somewhere Only We Know are perfect.

  • Haley prank calls people
  • Somewhere Only We Know was on Glee
  • Haley is super funny
  • Somewhere Only We Know reminds me of Winnie the Pooh
  • Haley =   Peruvian puff peppers
  • Somewhere Only We Know has amazing lyrics
  • Haley is perfect
  • Somewhere Only We Know is perfect

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Hi! So, I've been gone all week. And why you may ask. Well, it was because I was in Yosemite! Omg it was so fun!

My hiking group was amazing and I really love everybody in it! We hiked to the top of two waterfalls one day and on the way back down, we practically carried each other! We all held hands in the spider caves and wow I just trust them a lot ok?

My tent threw a party and about 25 to 30 people came! Brittany and I took turns kissing a poster of One Direction that I hung over my bed. My friend, Colton, bungee corded himself to a chair and gosh it was funny.

"It smells like my kindergarten classroom." < Best quote ever omg.

Sorry this post wasn't great but I'm super tired! Love you all!

Lots of love