Friday, March 30, 2012

My Heart Stopped

Haha so a few weeks ago, me and Brittany were walking her friends dog. We decided to find our Yearbook teachers' house. We walked for two hours until we finally found the street. We never actually found his house, but whatever. On the way, we were walking, actually, we were marching, and we were singing this song:
Which is kinda creepy now that I'm actually listening to it but.... I don't know, I was marching and this song came to mind and she knew it too so that defined our friendship.

We were just walking when all of a sudden this car comes screeching towards us. Then, this person inside of it started screaming this... scream. I can't even describe it. Brittany and I both jumped into the air and screamed. The car drove off. We both fell to the ground and started crying. I cry when I get scared. Like when I saw The Hunger Games, this dog thing jumped out of the bushes and I screamed and started crying.... The Hunger Games was a good movie though, you should see it.

Anyway, we were both crying and the dog was just standing there doing nothing. Both our hearts stopped I swear! Then, we got up and kinda ran to her house, singing One Direction songs to make us feel better.

Lots of love

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